LONDINIUM, London (Britannia)



N.C.W. Bateman, The London amphitheatre: Excavations 1987-1996, Britannia 28, 1997, 51-85. (Öffnet externen Link in neuem FensterJSTOR)

ders., Gladiators at the Guildhall. The story of London's amphitheatre and medieval Guildhall (London 2000).

J. Bird, The decorated samian from the London amphitheatre, Study Group for Roman Pottery, Newsletter 38, December 2004.

N. Bateman - C. Cowan - R. Wroe-Brown, London's Roman Amphitheatre, Guidhall Yard, City of London, Museum of London Archaeology Service Monograph, 35 (London 2008).

T. Wilmott, The Roman Amphitheatre in Britain (Stroud 2008) 92-97.

N. Bateman, What's the Point of London's Amphitheatre? - A Clue from Diana, in: T. Wilmott (Hrsg.), Roman Amphitheatres and spectacula: a 21st-Century Perspective, Papers from an international conference held at Chester, 16th-18th February, 2007, BAR Int. Ser. 1946 (Oxford 2009) 157-163.


Öffnet externen Link in neuem Fensterhttp://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/Corporation/LGNL_Services/Leisure_and_culture/Museums_and_galleries/Guildhall_Art_Gallery/ampitheatre.htm