Bauinschrift vom Südeingang des Amphitheaters:
Imp(erator) Caesar Ve[s]pasianus Aug(ustus) pont(ifex) max(imus)
trib(unicia) pot(estate) VII imp(erator) XVIII p(ater) p(atriae)
Literatur: M. Glavičić – Ž. Miletić, Excavations on the legionary amphitheatre of Burnum, in: T. Wilmott (Hrsg.), Roman Amphitheatres and Spectacula: a 21st Century perspective, Papers from an international conference held at Chester, 16th - 18th February, 2007 (Oxford 2009) 78 Abb. 7,2.
F. Bulić, Cenni archeologico-epigrafici sui distretti di Zara, Benkovac, Knin, Sebenico, Bulletino di archeoloia e storia dalmata 2, 1879, 84.
L. Marun, Starinarski dnevnici, Katalozi i monografije, 4 (Split 1998) 137. 155. 165.
N. Cambi u.a., Amfiteatar u Burnumu (Drniš – Šibenik – Zadar 2006) 23.
N. Cambi u.a., Rimska vojska u Burnumu (Drniš – Šibenik – Zadar 2007) 28.
I. Borzić, Ennion čaše iz Burnuma, Archaeologica Adriatica 2/1, 2008, 92.
M. Glavičić – Ž. Miletić, Excavations on the legionary amphitheatre of Burnum, in: T. Wilmott (Hrsg.), Roman Amphitheatres and Spectacula: a 21st Century perspective, Papers from an international conference held at Chester, 16th - 18th February, 2007 (Oxford 2009) 76.
Lampe in Form einer Theatermaske:
Die Lampe stammt aus einem Kanal unter der Arena.
Literatur: M. Glavičić – Ž. Miletić, Excavations on the legionary amphitheatre of Burnum, in: T. Wilmott (Hrsg.), Roman Amphitheatres and Spectacula: a 21st Century perspective, Papers from an international conference held at Chester, 16th - 18th February, 2007 (Oxford 2009) 81 Abb. 7,5.